Creating and Managing Serving Utensils
This screen contains configuration settings for Recipe Builder for Serving Utensils. Serving Utensils can be assigned to specific recipes for consistent portion sizing. You have a master list of serving utensils and can add up to 10 custom serving utensils. You can add, edit, and make a utensil active or inactive.
Serving Utensils are shared across all facilities within your organization. Any changes made updates these details in all facilities.
Production > Recipe Builder > Serving Utensils.
Click Custom Utensil 1-10.
My Serving Utensils - Type information. You can change the name of the utensil by clicking on the name. For example, all of your #5 scoops are blue. You can rename the utensil to Blue Scoop. The new name appears in all recipes and reports..
Custom Utensil - Type information. Click Custom Utensil to update name.
Active - Select option. Click Active box to activate the utensil. If a utensil is used in a recipe, it cannot be made inactive.
Click Print to view a list of all active Serving Utensils.