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Managing the Resident Listing 

On the Resident Listing page, you can view all residents or set filters to view a specific group of residents. You can access all the Resident reports or run specific reports for selected residents. You can put meals and snacks on hold and view the Resident Details page. A quick list option is available to modify diet orders, meal service details, add and edit dislikes, update custom hold schedule, and print Calorie Count report.. For non-integrated organizations, you can complete your admission, discharge, and transfer process. 

  1. Click Residents > Resident Listing.

  • Click Print Reports to access all the Resident Reports.

  • Under the Actions column, you can set the menu type for each resident as NS (Non-Select) for residents that are unable to make their own meal choices. Select S (Select) for residents that can make their own meal choices. Use the NS or S icon in the column header to set menu type for all residents in the list. This option is only available when Menus is enabled.

  • Click the Fork and Knife icon to put meals and snacks on hold.

  • Under the Actions column, click the list to access Diet Order, Meal Service Details, Add/Edit Dislikes, Custom Hold Schedule, ADT and Calorie Count.


    Calorie Count option is only available when Nutrition Management Core is enabled.

  • Click on the resident name, or under the Actions column, click the people, or the list to access the Resident Details page.