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Completing Meal Ordering Screen Setup

This screen contains configuration settings for Nutrient Analysis features to appear in the meal ordering screen. This allows you to view nutritional information and validate against Special Diet Nutrients Rules while taking resident meal orders.

  1. Facility Setup > Nutrient Analysis Setup > Meal Ordering screen Setup.

  • Display Nutrient on Menu Item Buttons - Select option. Nutrients appear on the menu item button.

    Meal Ordering
  • Display Nutrient Summary for Meal & Day - Select option. Nutrient analysis breakdown appears for current meal and day.

    • Values appear blue when the value is lower than the Nutrients Rules set for the Special Diet(s) assigned to the resident.

    • Values appear red when the value is higher than the Nutrients Rules set for the Special Diet(s) assigned to the resident. For more information, see Creating and Managing Special Diets.

    Resident Notes
  • Validate Special Diet Rules on Placing Meal Orders - Select option. For Select residents, an alert appears if the resident is not meeting or exceeding nutrient parameters for their assigned Special Diet(s). If Auto-Suggesting for Non-Select residents, it holds resident meal orders that do not meet nutritional parameters. For more information, see Creating and Managing Special Diets

    Place Order? Some of the nutrients are not within the desired parameters. Do you wish to Place Order or Modify Order?
    Order Resident Meals