Creating and Managing Nutrient Item Links
In Nutrient Item Links, you can manage nutrient item links for menu items and ingredients. You can view a list of all menu items or ingredients, a list of only linked or unlinked items, or items where Nutrient Link Not Required is marked.
You can also filter on menu items or ingredients in a specific Menu Set. This is helpful to ensure all nutrient item links are complete for proper nutrient analysis of a menu.
This process consists of multiple steps. You can complete 1 or all of the steps.
Administrator > Nutrient Analysis Setup > Nutrient Item Links.
To edit a menu item
Select Menu Items, then click a menu item name.
Verify or complete the Recipe and Nutrient Link, if applicable.
To add or edit a menu item-nutrient link
Select Menu Items, then click the Nutrient Item edit icon.
Select a nutrient item.
Click Select.
Click Linked to Recipe to open and review the recipe details in a separate tab. The majority of menu items should be linked to a recipe.
To edit an ingredient
Select Ingredients, then click an ingredient name.
Verify or complete the Nutrient Link, if applicable.
To add or edit an ingredient-nutrient link
Select Ingredients, then click the Nutrient Item edit icon.
Select a nutrient item.
Click Select.
When you filter on a specific Menu Set, you can enable Main Choices Only to focus on main choice menu items.
You can click a Menu Item or Ingredient name to view the details.
When a Menu Item is linked to both a Recipe and Nutrient Item, nutritional analysis is based off the Nutrient Item Link.
From Print Report, you can access various recipe and nutrient item link reports to help you verify linking.
You can create a nutrient item, if one is not available. For more information, see Creating and Managing Nutrient Items.