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Creating and Managing Nutrient Item Links

In Nutrient Item Links, you can manage nutrient item links for menu items and ingredients. You can view a list of all menu items or ingredients, a list of only linked or unlinked items, or items where Nutrient Link Not Required is marked.

You can also filter on menu items or ingredients in a specific Menu Set. This is helpful to ensure all nutrient item links are complete for proper nutrient analysis of a menu.

This process consists of multiple steps. You can complete 1 or all of the steps.

  1. Administrator > Nutrient Analysis Setup > Nutrient Item Links.

To edit a menu item

  1. Select Menu Items, then click a menu item name.

  2. Verify or complete the Recipe and Nutrient Link, if applicable. 

To add or edit a menu item-nutrient link

  1. Select Menu Items, then click the Nutrient Item edit icon.

  2. Select a nutrient item.

  3. Click Select.


Click Linked to Recipe to open and review the recipe details in a separate tab. The majority of menu items should be linked to a recipe.

To edit an ingredient

  1. Select Ingredients, then click an ingredient name.

  2. Verify or complete the Nutrient Link, if applicable.

To add or edit an ingredient-nutrient link

  1. Select Ingredients, then click the Nutrient Item edit icon.

  2. Select a nutrient item.

  3. Click Select.

  • When you filter on a specific Menu Set, you can enable Main Choices Only to focus on main choice menu items.

  • You can click a Menu Item or Ingredient name to view the details.

  • When a Menu Item is linked to both a Recipe and Nutrient Item, nutritional analysis is based off the Nutrient Item Link.

  • From Print Report, you can access various recipe and nutrient item link reports to help you verify linking.

  • You can create a nutrient item, if one is not available. For more information, see Creating and Managing Nutrient Items.