Managing Dislikes
You can add and edit dislikes such as menu items, specific beverages, snacks, and desserts, during different meals of the day, for each individual resident. This allows you to personalize a resident's meal order so dislikes can be considered and not ordered.
When Menus is enabled, for select residents, on the meal ordering screen, dislike menu items are identified with a Thumbs Down symbol. You can still add these items to a resident's Order Summary and order them for a meal. For non select residents, when using the Auto Suggest & Place Orders option, the disliked items are not ordered.
Under Actions, click list, then select Add/Edit Dislikes.
To add Dislike Groups:
Click Add Dislike Groups.
Search or scroll to locate dislike group.
Select or clear the dislike group.
Select Meal(s).
Enter Optional Note to appear on Tray Card Report.
To add Menu Items:
Click Add Menu Items.
Search Menu Item or select Menu Item category.
Select Menu Item(s).
Select Meal(s).
With appropriate security access, Dislike Groups not listed can be added under the Administrator tab. See Managing Dislike Groups for more information.
With appropriate security access, Menu Items not listed can be added under the Administrator tab. See Managing Menu Items for more information.
To reorder dislike groups, click and hold up down arrows then drag and drop.
You can modify dislikes from the Resident Details page.
When using Essentials only, you can add optional notes to a resident's dislikes. For example, when selecting the dislike group for vegetables, you can list the specific vegetables if they only dislike some vegetables.
When Menus is enabled, you can:
Add individual menu items.
Select the expander icon to view menu items listed in dislike group.
Click on a dislike group or menu item to change the meal the dislike is assigned to or the optional note.