Managing the Production Worksheet
From the Production Worksheet, you can forecast quantities needed for each of the Recipes you produce on a given day of the menu cycle. You can also forecast quantities for beverages and condiments that do not require a recipe so you can prepare these items before meal service. You can forecast quantities by dining area as well as for satellite kitchenettes.
If you take meal orders before the meal service for some residents, for example, for non-select residents, you can view these totals in the Ordered column in the worksheet. You can also add forecasted quantities of menu items needed for staff or guest.
Production > Production Worksheet.
Select Date, Meal, Kitchen, and Menu Set.
Click Load.
Display - When Items in Menu is selected, only menu items from the menu appear for the selected week, day and meal. This includes regular menu items (both main and alternate), replacement menu item (therapeutic variations), and extra menu items found on therapeutic menus.
When Standing Orders is selected, all standing orders required for this meal for resident served by the kitchen selected appear.
When Custom Items is selected, only custom menu items (not found on menu for meal selected) added through the meal ordering screen appear.
Include - Option is only available when Items in Menu is selected. Allows you to filter on Mains and or Alternate menu items.
Menu Course buttons - Select option. If applicable, click arrow to select sub-courses.
Search for a Menu item - Type information to filter worksheet by a specific menu item.
Clear - Clears menu item search and resets worksheet.
Insert Values from Last Occurrence - Allows you to insert forecasted, staff, guest, and buffer counts from the last time you produced this meal. If you already manually entered some values, you can select this option and the values are added to what you entered without clearing your entries.
Recipe # - Shows the recipe number that is linked to the menu item.
Menu Item - Blue text indicates therapeutic and extra menu items.
Type - Indicates type of menu item:
M - Main.
Alt - Alternate.
Red Hexagon icon - Standing order.
C - Custom menu item.
M Extra or Alt Extra - Extra menu item.
Svg Descr - Shows serving description or size of portions.
Ordered - Auto-populates with actual number of meal orders for day, meal, and kitchen selected.
Forecasted Count - You can enter forecasted values as whole or half portions.
Staff/Guests - You can enter extra portions for staff or guest.
Buffer - Auto-calculates based on buffer % defined in Forecasting Setup. You can manually assign the number of buffer portions as whole or half. The field turns yellow to indicate a custom buffer value.
Total - Total of ordered counts, forecasted counts, guest, staff, and buffer.
Print - Print the Menu Item Tally report, Menu Item Pick List, Scaled Recipes, and Production Notes for the selected production worksheet.
Menu Items that are day specific appear in the top section of the worksheet and Every Day menu items appear in the bottom section.
Values are saved as you move from field to field.
Forecasted, staff, guest, and buffer portions for Every Day menu items are automatically loaded from the most recent calendar date where there are values saved.