Reviewing the Texture Hierarchy
After the EHR Diet Order Mapping is complete, you must review and verify the Texture Hierarchy is appropriate for your organization.
Textures must be ordered from most restrictive at the top of the list, to least restrictive at the bottom of the list. If there are multiple diet orders with conflicting textures assigned to a resident in their PointClickCare Electronic Health Record (EHR), the hierarchy determines which texture to apply.
Administrator tab > EHR Diet Order Mapping.
Click Texture, then click Define Hierarchy.
Select Texture > select option to move up or down. Repeat until all textures are in the proper order.
When you review the Texture Hierarchy list, focus on the order of textures that are active for your organization.
Custom Textures appear at the bottom of the list. If any are active, you must order the textures correctly in the Hierarchy.