Meal Distribution Report
You can view a complete list of resident details for meal service. You can verify the resident's dining location, unit, room, and bed, texture(s), special diet(s), allergies, dislikes, standing orders, adaptive equipment, notes, and alerts. You can print the report for specific programs, days, and meals. You can use the Meal Distribution report for new admits, diet changes, care conferences, or medical chart audits.
Reports > Residents > Meal Distribution Report.
The Meal Distribution report has the same information as the Tray Cards report, but prints on legal sized paper in landscape orientation. The Meal Distribution report uses less paper to print the same information. You can use the Meal Distribution report in place of Tray Cards and post in the meal service area during meal preparation.
You can use the All Meals option to print necessary meal service information for all meals in a single day or all days of the week. You can use this as a back up report during service interruptions, or if you offer point of service selection and do not use the Tray Cards report or Meal Tickets.