Tray Cards Report
You can view a complete list of resident details for meal service. You can verify the resident's dining location, unit, room, bed, texture(s), special diet(s), allergies, dislikes, standing orders, adaptive equipment, notes, and alerts. You can print the report for specific programs, days, and meals. You can use the Tray Cards report for new admits, diet changes, care conferences, or medical chart audits.
The resident's photo must be added to the resident's personal information in Resident Details to be included on the Tray Card.
Reports > Residents > Tray Cards.
Click Print, then select format.
The Tray Cards print vertically for easy sorting.
A warning appears at the bottom of the Tray Card if there is too much information to fit. You must revise resident details so it fits on the Tray Card.
The Meal Distribution report has the same information as the Tray Cards report. The Meal Distribution report uses less paper to print the same information.