Overview of the Food Allergies Integration
With the Food Allergy Integration, food allergies added or changed in resident's PointClickCare Electronic Health Record (EHR) update or change in Nutrition Management.
Food Allergy Integration must be enabled by a PointClickCare representative. To sign up for Integrated Food Allergies, click here.
On the Resident Dashboard, you can view and manage:
Food allergies without unsuitable menu items defined.
Residents with updated food allergies in PointClickCare EHR.
Residents with allergies save under the category of Other in PointClickCare EHR.
Before enabling Integrated Food Allergies, print the Allergy report in PointClickCare EHR for all current residents. Sort by Allergy, then Resident name, and include Category "Food". Print the Diet Order Tally report in Nutrition Management. Include all Allergies, and YES under Resident Names. Compare the two lists and determine if any allergies must be added to the resident's PointClickCare EHR.